examples of democratic leaders in the bible

2023-04-11 08:34 阅读 1 次

Pay attention to the type of men they chose to handle this problem. 560 The higher the ship floated in the water, the closer to shore they could get before the ship grounded. You can look at the qualities and simply see how you measure up. 15:24; 16: 2-3). The image of Jesus washing the feet of His disciples in John 13 is a striking one. It was a coasting vessel, which was to call at various ports of the province of Asia; at one of these Julius knew he would find a ship, preferably a grain ship, bound for Italy. F. F. Bruce, The Book of Acts, Revised Edition (Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1988), p. 477. Thankfully if God has called you to leadership, he will take the time to help you grow into it. Nevertheless, he did not presume that God would intervene in this instance. Since this was not an ideal place to spend the winter, and sailing conditions looked favorable at the moment, they decided to press on to a more accommodating port. Is there not a kind of parable here? Too often, I hear leadership spoken of as a place of status, rather than a place of service. los lderes demcratas (41) dirigentes socialdemcratas (18) lderes democrticos (15) lderes demcratas (13) demcratas (8) If elected in free elections, the usurpers of power are usually democratic leaders. They were so sure of the wisdom of their decision that they did not even draw up the small boat attached by a rope to the vessels stern (verse 16). 31 What then shall we say to these things? Your family. (This also required a small boat, which was going to be taken by those abandoning the ship.) I could talk about David, Moses, or Nehemiah, but I want to talk about three lesser-known leaders who make great examples of Godly leadership in the Bible. The Greek-speaking Jewish believers complained that their widows were being overlooked in the distribution of food when compared to the widows who were Hebrew-speaking. Priscilla and Aquila are an example of Godly leadership that was displayed or exhibited in a married couple. This necessitated sailing close to the coast of Cyprus, which, to some degree, sheltered them from the contrary winds (verse 4). How Daniels Prophecy of 70 Weeks Connects to the End Times. Every passenger made it safely to shore. Paul was a leader here because people followed him. His previous warning did not take into account the intervention of God, resulting in the escape of every person on board the ship. Is this principle of extended deliverance perhaps an explanation of Pauls comments in 1 Corinthians 7, that the unbeliever is sanctified on account of the believer? These are examples of democratic leadership: All opinions are brought forward in team meetings. Their safety was relative, however. There would be no one left who was an experienced sailor, who could help land the crippled ship. Discouraged by the disapproval of Jesus, yet blessed by the warmth and affection of Jesus. I believe leadership must be positive influence . The soldiers who were guarding them were not as concerned about their survival as much as the possibility of an escape. Navigating the challenges and joys of ministry life. This was a Jewish couple who were deported from Rome. The non-swimmers could wait a little longer, perhaps for the ship to further break up, and then clinging to some piece of floating wreckage, paddle their way to shore. When you study closely, you will discover these examples of leadership in the Bible can help you address all of lifes situations. Verses 30-32 describe the sailors attempt to abandon ship, which they aborted, due to the action taken by the soldiers, who heeded Pauls words of warning. The otherstwo hundred and seventy-six in allfollowed his example. Now they were ready for the days activities. We're sorry, an error occurred. "Perhaps he's sleeping and will wake up!" Because it was a part of Gods sovereign plan, God did purpose to spare Paul and the ships passengers, but in a way that would to some seem only like good luck. The miraculous aspect is seen in Pauls prediction of what happened in complete agreement with all that did happen, even to the minute details. Let us consider just a few: 8 But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. He was not the captain of the ship, nor one of the soldiers. Paul did not have a formal position as leader, but was rather a functional leader. They were not going to get to Rome until after winter was over anyway, and they could stay right where they were, with no real problems. The storms of your life may not have been sent your way to destroy you, but to turn you to Gods salvation. It did not take long at this time of year for a storm to brew at sea. It seems that there was no protest from the sailors when the ropes to the lifeboat were cut. What the ships crew intended to do was a cowardly thing. A theophany had taken place in Joshua 5:15: "The commander of the Lord's army said to Joshua, "Remove the sandals from your feet, for the place where you are standing is holy." The solar date of the day of atonement in A.D. 59 thus accords well with Lukes implication that the Fast took place while they waited at Fair Havens. Bruce, p. 481. As the song goes, More secure is no one ever, than the loved ones of the Savior. What are some examples of democratic leadership? "I have appointed you as a light for the Gentiles, to bring salvation to the ends of the earth" (Acts 13:47). Here is another example of Godly leadership in the Bible that sometimes gets overlooked. If Paul had been right before, and his words had come to pass, he had even more important words to speak now, not from his own perception or judgment, but from the God whom he served. He must have a strong belief in the trustworthy message he was taught; then he will be able to encourage others with wholesome teaching and show those who oppose it where they are wrong (Titus 1:9). Smith suggests that the mainyard is meant; an immense spar, probably as long as the ship, which would require the united efforts of passengers and crews to launch overboard. Bruce p. 486. Thus, he did not expect a miracle, nor did he even ask for one. These people saw first hand the hope of the gospel in Paul, when all hope was lost. What was required for this situation was Godly leadership. Obedient Daniel. Apparently Paul discerned that those in charge were predisposed to sailing a little further. Here are seven whose leadership played a significant role in leading the early church and furthering the gospel. Clarence L. Haynes Jr. is a speaker, Bible teacher, and co-founder of The Bible Study Club. The churches in the province of Asia send you greetings. It was still late at night, too dark to try to make shore until it was light. Ed, Issue 46, Winter 2023, Verses 14-20: A Sudden Storm and Lost Hope, Verses 21-26: Pauls Night Visitation and Words of Encouragement, Verses 30-32: Sailors Stopped From Abandoning Ship, Verses 33-41: Pauls Encouragement and the Ships Grounding, Verses 42-44: Prisoners and Passengers Spared From Death. The one whose fate was sure and certain, was the most cautious; those whose ultimate fate was most uncertain were those who lived most dangerously. Order Curriculum, Literature, and Church Supplies, by Brooks Faulkner on Tuesday, September 08, 2015 at 6:00 AM. We will turn this responsibility over to them and will give our attention to prayer and the ministry of the word. This proposal pleased the whole group. The sovereignty of God will then result in the overthrow of His enemies and in the judgment of the wicked. The decision that faced these sailors is not an uncommon one, even in our day. 16 From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work. While it is great to learn from others, you dont have to try to be like others. Pauls Bay is sheltered on the northwest by the island of Salmonetta, which is separated from the Maltese mainland by a narrow channel about a hundred yards wide. He arose, then, for two reasons: (1) his shipmates were in desperate need of encouragement, and (2) he now had a word from God for them. Furthermore, Paul was an apostle, a man through whom God had worked many signs and wonders. He was going to survive. As time went on, as Paul was better known, and as the crises on board the ship became more pronounced, Paul stepped forward, giving both direction and hope to all the others on ship. When the ship was far out at sea, and no one knowing how far they might be from land, abandoning ship was no temptation. For more information, see ourPrivacy Policy. He has also just released his new book The Pursuit of Victory: How To Conquer Your Greatest Challenges and Win In Your Christian Life. And He has come forth from death and the grave, to give us new life. Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. CSB Experiencing God Bible, Hardcover, Jacketed. This harbour would protect them for a time from the winds. They presented these men to the apostles, who prayed and laid their hands on them (Acts 6:3-6). It seems as though the passengers, including Luke and Paul, were needed to help carry out this operation (see verse 19).556. Paul thought of himself as nothing in the total scheme of things. This was a Jewish couple who were deported from Rome. But there was a problem. What did Paul do to bring about such a change? There is no place safer than the place of obedience to the Word of God. The centurion respected and trusted Paul a great deal, as can be seen by his previous dealings with him (see verse 3). Not so with My servant Moses; he is faithful in all . 4. This was, I think, to cause the ship to draw less water, and thus to float higher in the water, so that it would not as easily drag bottom.560 The ship would therefore be closer to shore when it struck bottom, making it a shorter swim (or float). 554 The wind would tend to blow the ship much more quickly than the current, and so a sea anchor would reduce the force of the wind on the ship by using the sea as a brake. It was his responsibility to persuade her to use the position she had to make a difference. Bob is a pastor/teacher and elder at Community Bible Chapel in Richardson, Texas, and has contributed many of his Bible study series for use by the Foundation. Paul had courage in the face of opposition because he had limitless horizons in his mission. of They want to use numbers and influence decisions based upon voting power. They cut loose the anchors, which set the ship free, as wind and waves propelled it toward land. Nobody said it would be easy. Related Topics: Issues in Church Leadership/Ministry, Leadership, Robert L. (Bob)Deffinbaugh graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary with his Th.M. 553 The storm was now heavy upon the lumbering vessel, as it came roaring out of the north-east. Verses 33-41 report Pauls encouragement, in words and deeds, and the grounding and breaking up of the ship. His sarcasm showed his disdain for those who had forsaken God. They hoped that daybreak would come so that they could visually navigate the ship, rather than to attempt to make port (or even to ground the ship) in the dark. In the early church there was a problem. The Pursuit of Victory: How To Conquer Your Greatest Challenges and Win In Your Christian Life. He spoke prophetically of the fate of the ship and its passengers. But we can still have hope, even when we are afraid. The Greater Syrtis was still a great distance away, but the wind might continue to blow for many days, and that was the direction in which it was blowing them. Please see below for details. 36 Just as it is written, For Thy sake we are being put to death all day long; We were considered as sheep to be slaughtered. 37 But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us. Here are three people who stand out as servant leadership examples in the Bible. When Daniel was living in captivity in Babylon, he was obedient to the point of losing his life if necessary. Others decided Paul and the other prisoners should set sail, and so Paul and they were turned over to Julius. But what are some of these purposes and promises? 16:8, 16-20). He is the author ofThe Pursuit of Purpose which will help you understand how God leads you into his will. A late date for the day of atonement is required also by the time notes of the subsequent journey to Italy. As time went on, as Paul was better known, and as the crises on board the ship became more pronounced, Paul stepped forward, giving both direction and hope to all the others on ship. Examples of democratic leaders A few specific examples of leaders who have demonstrated this style of leadership include: Former CEO of PepsiCo, Indra Nooyi, demonstrated how much she valued her team members by writing personalized letters to their parents. In a storm, control of the ship is limited, and so navigating a narrow entrance to a port would be almost impossible. Nelson Mandela (1918-2013).South African political leader victim of the racial policies of Apartheid that segregated black and white, in favor of the former. 559 If the soundings were made at midnight, and if the passengers were at least inside the ship, rather than on deck, only the sailors would have known that land was approaching. He refused to bow to the king and ended up in the lion's den. It has become an untenable situation, a burden no man can bear. Regardless of where you find yourself, you have to lead. Pauls leadership emerges on board the ship, on which he was headed toward Rome. Effective leaders have the courage to speak even when it is unpopular to speak because they speak the truth with love. Since leadership happens inside and outside the church, these examples are good wherever you lead. They intended to put all the prisoners to death,563 thus eliminating the risk of an escape. We live in a time of great crisis. In fact, it seems that virtually everyone voted against him when the decision was made. The point was, before you can lead others you have to learn how to lead yourself. He doesn't mince words when he calls them "a brood of vipers.". Godly leadership like this can impact homes, communities, churches, businesses, schools, politics, sports basically every area of life. Allow me to make one last observation here. 2:2). Hence the battle to maintain a westerly course, aided, it appears, by a veering of the wind to the east, as the cyclonic disturbance shifted its centre. Blaiklock p. 190. Bureaucratic leadership is defined as a form of leadership in which there is a hierarchy of authority that creates rules for management and decision making. The centurion commanded that all should make it to land if they could. Whether you realize it or not, we are all called to lead. While there are many examples of Godly leadership in the Bible, there are some you are probably more familiar with than others. Remember, he struck the rock and disobeyed God, but his patience had worn thin. Resilience may be the cornerstone of effective leadership. Had people ceased eating, in part perhaps, because they thought they were going to die anyway? Julius and the others did not seem to look upon Paul in religious or spiritual terms, but only in terms of practical and proven ability and knowledge. Pauls caution is rather interesting. Take aids, or drugs, for example. Pauls skillfulness and leadership gave the gospel a credibility it would not have otherwise have had in the eyes of these people. No one followed Paul because he was a man of God, or even because they concluded the God was with him. And who would not be afraid in such a storm. A friend of mine, Jonathan Leath, wrote a book he titled You Only Lead One (YOLO). And also for Pauls sake, all of the prisoners were spared from execution by the soldiers. The encouraging news that Paul was about to tell them was that he was both right and wrong when he had warned them not to sail. 547 Ramsay is of the opinion that the ship was a government vessel of which the centurion, as senior officer, was properly in charge. By the way, Paul may not have been frightened so much for himself as for the others. They eventually connected with Paul and became his partners in the ministry. Some Christians are inclined to live their lives sloppily, believing that because God is sovereign He will, on demand, produce a miracle to deliver us from the fruits of our own foolishness. Another example of a servant leader in the Bible is Stephen, who was known for his selfless love and care for others. Democratic leaders: Encourage group members to share their ideas: The leader asks for and considers employee input. The grounding of the ship, some distance from shore, and then its breaking up poses another threat, which all survive. Paul once again stepped forward, speaking out to all aboard, so as to assure and encourage them, as well as to persuade them to prepare themselves for the rigors and physical demands of the hours that were to follow. The God whom Paul served was a God who was (and is) in control. What is the relationship between spiritual leadership and secular leadership? In other words, your leadership style should be authentic to you. Pauls circumstances certainly do no give him any status, any clout, with anyone on board that ship. They were not men who manipulated people or their circumstances in order to further their own power or position. No doubt there were some anxious thoughts racing through the minds of the passengers. Scripture offers examples of both. This may have been the case, and if so the calculations upon which the shipmaster (not owner as AV and RV, according to Ramsay) based his rash advice are less apparent. E. M. Blaiklock, The Acts of the Apostles (Grand Rapids: Wm. They invited Apollos into their home and spent time explaining the truth to him. The following post is adapted from my personal academic coursework. Thus, the safety of the ship, according to Pauls words, required the presence of the crew. The gospel sustains men in the greatest storms of life. He had the courage to speak to the evils of his day. 542 The ship in which they embarked belonged to Adramyttium (modern Edremit), a seaport of Mysia in northwest Asia Minor, opposite the island of Lesbos. . Accompanying Paul were Luke544 and Aristarchus, who was from Thessalonica.545. In all of this God protected Paul. For the unbelieving husband is sanctified through his wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified through her believing husband; for otherwise your children are unclean, but now they are holy (1 Corinthians 7:13-14). Democratic style on the other hand refers to leadership style in which leaders are the final decision makers with the input of followers. I would think that Paul would have more reason to be reckless than these seasoned seamen and the centurion, because he was a Christian. There will come a time, however, when God will take His own to the full and final safety of heaven. Pauls leadership emerged in a time of crisis, in an hour of need, when no one else seemed to have any answers.565 Functional leadership (as opposed to formal leadership) emerges in times of need. They made port in Sidon, a city about 70 miles north of Caesarea. Paul was overruled. 9 Much more then, having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from the wrath {of God} through Him. Whatever God has promised to do, He will do. Without God's constant guidance in our lives, how can we be confident of what we are teaching, how we are ministering, or why we are even leading? Behind every support specialist, Bible study editor, graphic designer, and accountant is a Sunday School teacher, kids volunteer, or small group leader. Paul had a fair bit of experience with sea travel. The reason this type of leadership was necessary is because they were not just passing out food; they were solving a potentially bigger problem. Tim Cook became CEO of Apple in 2011. A late night visitation by an angel of God and Pauls words of encouragement to his shipmates is reported in verses 21-26. They took bribes and perverted justice. Peter: Leaders recover from failure. Beyond this, God is free to act or not to act in any way that He chooses. This book will teach you how to put the pieces together so you can live a victorious Christian life and finally become the man or woman of God that you truly desire to be. If you see shortcomings, those are the areas that you can ask God to help you develop. It was, I believe, for the sake of the gospel that Paul and these passengers were saved. 544 We know that Luke was on board ship because of the we references, and because of the great detail that he includes, as an eyewitness of the journey, the storm, and the safe landing of the passengers. Because of one prisoner on board that ship, all the other passengers were spared. You may be familiar with the story of Esther. Related articlesHow and Why Should I Pray for Leaders?An Uncorrupted View of Godly Leadership from Jude10 Women in the Bible God Used to Save Lives and Lead Others, Photo credit: Getty Images/monkeybusinessimages. Pauls safety and deliverance was so certain that it was sufficient for others as well. Lukes remark has point only if it fell rather late in the solar calendar that year. Moses. That safety is only in Christ. 15 Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ. 10 For if while we were enemies, we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, having been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life (Romans 5:8-10). Indeed, the fate of the ship was not exactly as Paul had warned, for there was no loss of life.551 He simply spoke as a seasoned traveler, an astute observer, and one who had experienced dangers at sea. Do you want to go deeper in your walk with the Lord but cant seem to overcome the stuff that keeps getting in the way? With great difficulty, the dinghy was hoisted on board, and then supporting cables were used to undergird the bottom of the ship, so that it might not break up under the weight of its cargo and the stresses of the storm. When Esthers words were reported to Mordecai, he sent back this answer: Do not think that because you are in the kings house you alone of all the Jews will escape. Paul spoke up, cautioning them about sailing on any further, and warning them that if they pressed on this would result in the loss of lives and property. For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your fathers family will perish. When Priscilla and Aquila heard him, they invited him to their home and explained to him the way of God more adequately (Acts 18:26). Salem Media Group. Until now, they had been trying to save the ships cargo, but now some of it555 was thrown overboard, lightening the ship and reducing the stress on the hull. 1. If this was all that Paul said to these soldiers, he did not tell them that these men were attempting to abandon ship. There is nothing wrong with a healthy fear of danger. The first 8 verses of the chapter take Paul from Caesarea to a harbor named Fair Havens, not far from the city of Lasea. It is only when all hope is lost that Paul addresses his fellow shipmates.557 Much time had passed, the storm had not diminished, the ship was being constantly mauled by the storm, and the passengers had gone a long time without food. He had a special place. Let me suggest a few characteristics of Pauls leadership in this crisis, which may provide fuel for future thought. Christianity is not a fair weather religion. It seems as thought they had left it in the sea, towed along behind, when the storm suddenly came upon them and swamped it. Focus on who you are and allow God to develop you into the leader he has called you to be. Examples have not been reviewed. The wise leader will work hard at blinding his or her eyes to the pettiness of church members' criticism. I am not certain that anyone ever thought of Paul as the leader, but he did lead and they followed. He has surrounded himself with executives that are experienced and insightful. They could not handle the ship in the stormy waters. Paul reminded his shipmates that they should have listened to him sooner. Leading others is just too big of a responsibility for us to handle without continual prayer. These are questions that we shall seek to answer in our study of Acts chapter 27. Looking at leadership honestly means looking at the best and the worst. His leadership was built not so much on ancestry from the Jewish lineage as by faithfulness. Great leaders wash their people's feet. Thus, the sailors continually took soundings, measuring the depth below them, so that they could discern, far in advance, their approach to land (which would be indicated by progressively diminishing depths). There are many different styles and forms of leadership. Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? The question was where the ship would make port for the winter. When you are walking in accordance with Gods purposes, whatever obstacles to the accomplishing of His will are encountered, He will overcome. It opens to the East and Southeast, but is not fit to winter in. Such would have been the case in Sodom and Gomorrah. So, says Luke, they lowered the instrument, not being more specific perhaps because he did not know, or did not remember, the technical name for whatever it was that was lowered. Paul tells the soldiers that the sailors must remain on board ship, if they themselves are to be saved. With renewed strength, the passengers set about lightening the ship by throwing the remainder of the cargo the cargo of wheat overboard. In every effective leader's life, there is a time for love, but also a time for courage. 3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, 4 to {obtain} an inheritance {which is} imperishable and undefiled and will not fade away, reserved in heaven for you, 5 who are protected by the power of God through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. Paul was kept safe, and as a result, all of those with him were saved as well. 556 The following day, a more drastic measure was necessary: the spare gear had to go if the ship was to have any chance of surviving. If there were but ten righteous in the city of Sodom, God would have spared the city for the sake of those righteous (Genesis 18:22-33). Most leadership gurus define leadership as 'influence'. Christ Jesus is He who died, yes, rather who was raised, who is at the right hand of God, who also intercedes for us. But Paul did not presume to have God on tap and thus to be able to perform some miracle any time his wished. He must not be arrogant or quick-tempered; he must not be a heavy drinker, violent, or dishonest with money. It may not come quickly. He must be faithful to his wife, and his children must be believers who dont have a reputation for being wild or rebellious. The meeting's facilitator will be acting democratically if they actively seek out the team's thoughts and opinions and encourage them to voice them. 552 A south wind having blown gently, in marked contrast to the violent northwest wind that they had faced so long. A ship can be tossed about in the sea and survive much better than it can survive being dashed upon the rocks. There are also plenty of real-life examples of leadership in action. In A.D. 59 it fell on October 5, but in all the neighboring years from 57 to 62 it fell earlier.

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