entity framework sql query

2021-07-21 20:08 阅读 1 次

Visit the LINQ-to-Entities chapter to learn more about the basics of querying in Entity Framework. EF SQL Logging Entity Framework team added support for interception and logging of generated SQL in EF6. I have a need to execute raw SQL query. Below is an example of a query asking for items in the first level: var topLevelQuery = Context.HierarchyCategory.Where(x => x.Level.GetLevel() == 1); SQL created by the entity framework based on this query, looks like this: Application side: The filter is always applied to the query result. SQL Query on Existing Entity Entity Framework provides support for executing raw SQL queries against the database. Example: DbPersonnesEntities db = new DbPersonnesEntities (); Write this SQL query to Entity Framework lambda expression or other way c# entity-framework entity-framework-6 linq linq-to-sql. Entity Framework Core 5 (EF Core) and LINQ allow developers to write powerful expressions that translate into SQL. The interception API allows developers to easily intercept and examine and if desired overide low level DB operations such as connections being opened, transactions being committed and CRUD commands being executed. I reckon there are three options, each with different trade-offs and levels of difficulty. query-filter | Entity Framework Classic ASP.NET Core - Entity Framework Query Through Database Since version 3 Entity Framework Core has supported Interceptors. 2) Use compliled Linq queries. When a filter is made on client-side, it means the filtering happens in the application and not in the SQL executed. Free Entity Framework Profiler to View SQL Query ... Running the raw SQL var students = Context.Database.SqlQuery<Student> ("select * from student").ToList (); It's working perfectly but what I want is return anonymous results. In Entity Framework you can query with your entity classes using LINQ. This feature is available in Entity Framework Core as well. This feature is called a Defined Query. 1) don't use EF for long running jobs with heavy database activity. TIP: When we write only read-only queries in Entity Framework Core (the result of the query won't be used for any additional database modification), we should . First, install the Nuget package for logging provider of your choice and then tie up the DbContext to ILoggerFactory . Executing Raw SQL Queries using Entity Framework Core ... Using LINQ for creating queries is supported. After some investigation, it turns out the problem was good old SQL—not vanilla, manually-crafted SQL, but queries automatically generated by Entity Framework. Entity SQL is another way to create a query. It is processed by the Entity Framework's Object Services directly. Querying in Entity Framework Core. this stored procedure is called from entity framework. The SQL Server plan cache is a limited resource, and if SQL statements are not parameterized, you can end up with so many plans in the query cache, that on a busy system the database engine will spend all it's time evicting plans from the cache . a Full Text Search), if the generated SQL is not efficient enough, if you want to make use of existing stored procedures, or if you just prefer to write your own queries in SQL. DeleteFromQuery use the SQL generated by EF Core. Expression Visitor - Sources The following code was taken from Luke McGregor's repository called LinqExpander and updated to support .NET Standard 2 and Entity Framework Core 2.x async queries. The Entity Framework (EF) does allow you to add your own native SQL queries to the EF model. Using Entity Framework Core Interceptors to log SQL queries. Setting the scene - A quick intro to Entity Framework Core. Else . TableA in DB1 joins with TableB in DB2 using a table view created in DB1. We have a legacy application, we are migrating SQL queries that uses ADO.NET to Raw SQL queries of Entity framework. This is most commonly used for logging SQL, but can also be used to modify or abort the command. A tool like SQL Server Profiler is a must-have because developers often write code with an ORM (Object Relational Mapper) like Entity Framework, which prevents them from having to write SQL to talk to the database. It allows . If you're using EF Core 2.1. This is a critical step that can be easily overlooked. The filter is applied in the database and application side: Database side: Whenever possible, the filter is applied in the SQL query. Entity Framework Core integrates with the .NET Core logging to log SQL and change tracking information to the various output targets. A tool like SQL Server Profiler is a must-have because developers often write code with an ORM (Object Relational Mapper) like Entity Framework, which prevents them from having to write SQL to talk to the database. If you want un-typed query result, I suggest you still use SqlConnection + DbCommand to execute the raw query and parse the result via DbReader object. Below are different solutions to trace SQL query generated by Entity Framework during runtime. This includes calling stored procedures, which can be helpful for Code First models that currently do not support mapping to stored procedures. View the generated SQL query by entity framework is important. There are options like this click here, and use of a store procedure with an NOLOCK keyword (Select * from Test NOLOCK) in a query. Ultimately, ORMs are about balancing convenience and power. With Entity Framework Core removing dbData.Database.SqlQuery<SomeModel> I can't find a solution to build a raw SQL Query for my full-text search query that will return the tables data and also the rank.. Entity Framework Core provides mechanisms for executing raw SQL queries directly against the database in circumstances where you cannot use LINQ to represent the query (e.g. There are a number of ways to query the EDM, which then retrieves data from the database. SQL Query for a specific entity type We can use SQLQuery () method to write SQL queries which return an entity object. The DbContext.Database.Log property can be set to a delegate for any method that takes a string. SQL commands. It covers all the information needed for connecting and configuring . February 23, 2020 December 14, 2014 by Toby. Such raw SQL queries can return entity types or query types (from EF Core 2.1). ASP.NET Core, Entity Framework Core, Entity Framework Query Through Database This article is about querying read data and insert data commands to the SQL Server database via the Entity Framework. Quicksteps to Profiling Entity Framework Queries in SQL Server. Here is an extension method for both IQueryable(Db) and IEnumerable source. 6) limit the amount of data to be returned in a Linq query. The " .Where (s => s.Age > 25) " is a second part of the query where we use a LINQ command to select only required rows. In order to avoid such a situation from happening again, you should employ the quality assurance technique at your disposal, including but not limited to, extensive testing. You will need raw SQL queries where you cannot use LINQ to represent the query, for example; If the generated SQL is not efficient enough. One of the easiest "mistakes" to make, especially for newcomers to Entity Framework or ORMs in general, is to prematurely execute a SQL query, and do a large filter or sort to a huge number of objects in memory. The DbSet and IDbSet implement IQueryable, so you can easily write a LINQ query against the database. For this step, go to your config file. Also, we can use SQL View with an NOLOCK keyword in a query to prevent deadlock. In Entity Framework, querying data is executed against the DbSet properties of the DbContext. Entity Framework allows you to search for data by using Linq (language integrated query). This automation helps make the DevOps process simpler by avoiding manual step. Why Join Become a member Login First, my conclusions : IF you need to extend you own internal application logging feature (for verbose level features) : use EFTracingProvider and custom code IF you need a cheap (understand free!) Database simplified: Blog (the category for the post): BlogId Title .. Post: PostId Title .. The only method I've seen to build a raw SQL query in Entity Framework Core is via dbData.Product.FromSql("SQL SCRIPT"); which isn't useful as I have no DbSet that will map the rank I return . For example, consider this code: string city = "London"; var londonCustomers = context.Customers .FromSql ($"SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE City = {city}"); This will result in the literal SQL string: LINQ is a component in the .NET Framework that provides query capability against collections in C# or VB. In Entity Framework Core 2.1 we can use Query Types as Yuriy N suggested. In Entity Framework Core, it is possible to compose over raw SQL queries using the LINQ operators. I am using C# and Entity Framework to connect to my SQL Server . This article presents a discussion on how we can work with raw SQL queries in Entity Framework Core. Although this presents many advantages, there is a downside that many of the special features of a data source such as SQL Server are off-limits. In the following, I create the query and store it in an IQueryable object. Entity Framework Basic Query. To see actual SQL you can just call .ToString () method on your query; var sql = (from x in context.VulnerabilityAlertDocuments select x.Severity).Average ().ToString (); So I am executing a query on the VulnerabilityAlertDocuments DbSet object that represent a query on my VulnerabilityAlertDocument table on my database. Almost all DBMS are very good at sorting and filtering provided there's good index . Starting with Entity Framework 6, anytime Entity Framework sends a command to the database this command can be intercepted by application code. Entity Framework Core provides mechanisms for executing raw SQL queries directly against the database in circumstances where you cannot use LINQ to represent the query (e.g. The entity framework does allow you to use stored procedures. Logging the executing query using your logger of choice or the built-in Logger in .NET Core as mentioned in this tutorial. Specifically, EF includes: A Log property for the context similar to DataContext.Log in LINQ to SQL Entity Framework Core 5 is an open-source, lightweight, extensible, and a cross-platform ORM. Only if you want different identifiers you . Entity Framework. The LINQ join operator allows us to join multiple tables on one or more columns (multiple columns). Entity Framework provides a way to get the underlying SQL for SELECT queries. Raw SQL Query without DbSet - Entity Framework Core. Why Join Become a member Login It depends if you're using EF Core 2.1 or EF Core 3 and higher versions. Next Steps. Query Hints are an example: though often misused, they are occasionally important. Dennes Torres shows how you can use these in EF, using a command interceptor that will allow . In this post I will describe an approach to solving an issue with Entity Framework 6 and queries using Contains I have previously blogged about.. A more detailed article on how to use them can be found here . Executing a LINQ query To execute a LINQ query against an Oracle database, you will add a reference to an Entity Framework assembly. 2. Once the breakpoint is hit hover over query to expand then click on > Debug View > The dropdown beside the magnifying glass > Text Visualizer. We also learn how to perform left joins . By default, they perform the inner join of the tables. Generally, EF Core's default features are enough to accomplish most data access-related tasks, but notice we used the word "generally". Querying in Entity Framework Core remains the same as in EF 6.x, with more optimized SQL queries and the ability to include C#/VB.NET functions into LINQ-to-Entities queries. When creating an application with an ORM framework, such as Entity Framework, it's a good idea to look at the SQL that's actually being sent to the server. By default, they perform the inner join of the tables. In other words, the Entity Framework retrieved the data immediately. But now since we want to know what query would be executed, we'll need to separate the creation from the action. There you have it, the SQL that will be sent to the database. This means that an Sql statement will be generated based on the said query which has been written in code. Let's install the logging provider's NuGet package. Using a Profiler. Learn Entity Framework delete-from-query by example. using ( var context = new EntityContext ()) { context.Database.Log = Console.Write; // query here .. } Try it online The Query Filter feature allows you to filter returned entities from a query using a predicate ( where clause ). If you have ever wanted to look inside an IQueryable in Entity Framework to see what query will be run, you'll know that it is properly squirrelled away in there. Solution . This utility makes using Entity Framework Code-First much easier to manage running SQL scripts as part of the migrations or seed data. 3) use compiled views if model is has lots of objects on it. Enter the following code in the Program.cs after the previous code statements. It returns ObjectQuery instead of IQueryable. Log SQL to the Console. Entity Framework Core integrates with the .NET Core logging to log SQL and change tracking information to the various output targets. If you're using EF Core 2.1 Release Candidate 1 available since 7 may 2018, you can take advantage of the proposed new feature which is Query type. Description. I am very new to ASP.NET MVC and Entity Framework at the moment. I am creating a creating an application that searches the database and allows the user to dynamically add any criteria (around 50 possible), much like the following SO question: Creating dynamic queries with entity framework.I currently have working a search that checks each criteria, and if it is not blank it adds it to the query. SELECT * FROM Post WHERE PostId IN ( SELECT PostId FROM BlogPost WHERE BlogId = &blogId); I am trying to get a list of Posts with a given category id. The only method I've seen to build a raw SQL query in Entity Framework Core is via dbData.Product.FromSql("SQL SCRIPT"); which isn't useful as I have no DbSet that will map the rank I return . In this tutorial let us look into how to use Join Query in Entity Framework to load the data from two, three or more tables. I found out this week that using the LIKE operator in an Entity Framework query is maddeningly difficult . Typically this is named 'Appsettings.json'. Logging Entity Framework SQL queries Often, when we write complex entity framework queries we would want to check how the translated query looks like or simply we would want to monitor the efficiency of it. In this section, you will query the same rows as in the previous section to show that the stored procedure successfully updated the selected rows. Entity Framework Core allows you to drop down to raw SQL queries when working with a relational database. SQL Query for a primitive data type. You will use another query method available in Entity Framework called Entity SQL. Let's install the logging provider's NuGet package. Question. Getting the SQL Query From an Entity Framework IQueryable. Entity Framework Core (EF) converts expressions into SQL at runtime. There are 3 approaches for logging SQL statements from IQueryable<>: Using Built-in or Custom Logging. Database accesses are normally referred to as CRUD operation (Create, Read, Update and Delete), with the read referred to in EF as a query. Entity Framework 6 mapping a custom SQL query to an Entity asp.net-mvc c# entity-framework entity-framework-6. SQL Query for a specific entity type. When you add a database view to your EF model, the view is actually implemented using a Defined Query. I've been working with it for about 3 months at the current moment in time. If you want to make use of existing stored procedures The next step is to tell your ASP.NET Core App to log Entity Framework Core commands. It is easy to apply and it makes database access super simple. With Entity Framework Core removing dbData.Database.SqlQuery<SomeModel> I can't find a solution to build a raw SQL Query for my full-text search query that will return the tables data and also the rank.. All HeirarchyID methods are available via LINQ. Option 1: Entity SQL. LINQ Extension Methods First () FirstOrDefault () Single () Basic Query. In Entity Framework Core 1.x, you could use string interpolation for SQL queries, but it would just perform literal string interpolation. In this tutorial let us look into how to use Join Query in Entity Framework to load the data from two, three or more tables. Secondly, it significantly increases the memory used both by Entity Framework, which caches all the extra queries, and in SQL Server, which caches the plans even though they are . Configure the Logging. With this utility, we are running all the scripts as part of the migration without manually executing any of the scripts. Get SQL Query in Entity Framework Core Posted on 2020-08-26 Edited on 2021-12-19 In C# Views: Waline: . I wonder how to convert this sql query to an entity framework query. The SQL generated by EF+ IncludeOptimized performs multiple SELECT but drastically decreases the amount of data transferred. Here I am only discussing how to prevent deadlock in Entity Framework. However, sometimes working with tables and views is just not enough. To truly improve our sql queries and have Entity Framework understand our projections all the way down we need the help of an Expression Visitor. Click on the Text Visualizer Option here to see the SQL created by Entity Framework Core 5. However, there may be times that you want to run queries using raw SQL directly against the database. We also learn how to perform left joins . To do so, you need to cast the query (of type IQueryable) to an ObjectQuery and call ToTraceString () on it. Projection Queries in EF. Entity SQL allows you to query entity data, either as objects or in a tabular form. a Full Text Search), if the generated SQL is not efficient enough, if you want to make use of existing stored procedures, or if you just prefer to write your own queries in SQL. Breakpoint hit after the query. We have many cross DB queries in the legacy application. Entity Framework allows you to query using LINQ with your entity classes. Limitation EF Core & Client Evaluation. Due to which EF Core will treat SQL statements as a sub-query and will put this data up in the database. Now i know that i can run raw sql in entity framework by following. Note: For beginners in ASP.Net Core MVC and Entity Framework, please refer my article ASP.Net Core: Simple Entity Framework Tutorial with example. Thursday, January 29, 2015 2:49 PM. The following methods can be used to execute raw SQL queries to the database using Entity Framework 6.x: DbSet.SqlQuery () DbContext.Database.SqlQuery () DbContext.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand () DbSet.SqlQuery () Since EF 7 is renamed to Entity Framework Core I will summarize you the options for EF Core. The easiest way to get familiar with the Defined Query is to take a look at how EF works with a database view . In order to avoid such a situation from happening again, you should employ the quality assurance technique at your disposal, including but not limited to, extensive testing. The command as objects or in a tabular form want to run queries using raw SQL against... ; Appsettings.json & # x27 ; s good index the input condition is true, filter expression is going use... /A > Entity Framework consider using Entity Framework by following will put data... Be dynamically constructed at run time and IEnumerable source with SQL Server Profiler < /a > Description here. 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