how to paraphrase a sentence example

2021-07-21 20:08 阅读 1 次

You need to change both the words and the word order in a paraphrase. Here's the second way paraphrasing saves time: It makes customers more cooperative. Quoting, Paraphrasing and Summarizing. Paraphrasing multiple statistics can seem more daunting, especially when the statistics are throughout an entire sentence like this one: "Of the 40 students surveyed, 11 strongly favored online learning, 20 were neutral, and 9 preferred not to learn online." (Means, Murphy, & Bakia, 2015, p. To do this effectively, you should avoid similar word phrases and sentence structures the source used. PDF Reflecting Skills Paraphrase and Reflection of Feeling Our paraphrase tool has an advanced algorithm for paraphrasing content online. Basically, you are writing something in your own words that still expresses the original idea. The term itself is derived via Latin paraphrasis from Greek paráfrasis (παράφρασις, literally 'additional manner of expression').The act of paraphrasing is also called paraphrasis The answer to that comes from the simple saying of practice makes perfect. Automatic Sentence Paraphrasing | almeta Paraphrasing Statistics - Blogger Grammar and punctuation It detects grammar and punctuation mistakes- standard to advanced. They are much shorter than full references. Use only one sentence or two in your paraphrase to capture the main idea—even if the original is an entire paragraph. Quotations must be identical to the original, using a narrow segment of the source. The fan was broken. The paraphrase should be attributed to the source. 1. Examples of Paraphrasing. Learn to Paraphrase by Reviewing Examples of Paraphrasing Sentences. Indeed, in technical writing direct quotation is rarely used. Once the work has been cited, it is not necessary to repeat the citation as long as the context of the writing makes it clear that the same work continues to be paraphrased. The following example is formatted in the harvard style. It allows you to seamlessly integrate another person's ideas into your work, and it is the preferred way to integrate most research information into a paper. For example: To learn more, keep reading, as this blog post explains the do's and don'ts of paraphrasing and includes 10 examples of paraphrasing for a smarter, better essay. Paraphrasing-Tool uses intelligent, decision making software to figure out the most appropriate way to reword, or paraphrase, your text. One major reason for paraphrasing is to capture the main idea of the original text without using so many words. Example: Correct Paraphrasing. It is a necessary academic skill to paraphrase ideas when writing and reading. 3. Paraphrase - Bacteria on a wooden cutting board, including salmonella, can be eradicated by pouring hydrogen peroxide on it. If this is the case, the paraphrase would look something like this: This great country will endure as it has endured, will come back to life and will prosper. Paraphrasing Tool. Re-write each sentence using these new words and phrases . Although paraphrasing will usually result in a word count roughly the same as an original quote, you may be able to play with the number of sentences to make the text different. If the openings are large, the clogs . The best time to use direct quotes is when you need to give an exact definition, provide specific evidence, or if you need to use the original writer's . For example, we can assign a paragraph consisting of a couple of phrases to an input variable, which is then used by the code to generate paraphrased text. Johnson, C. et al (2008). Break the information into separate sentences. You can also see how the sentence structure is the same for both the original source and this paraphrase. Most people who fail at paraphrasing use the same sentence as the original source, and just change a word or two. Sometimes it might be tempting to use an online translation tool to produce a new version of a sentence or paragraph, but the result will usually not make sense. Rewriting a sentence, or a whole passage, in your own words is paraphrasing. Paraphrasing software can assist you within this aspect. In such cases, cite the work being paraphrased on first mention. To paraphrase Crowley, interpret every event as a dealing of the Infinite with your Soul, a communication from the Absolute. The mental process required for successful paraphrasing helps you to grasp the full meaning of the original. Paraphrasing-Tool uses intelligent, decision making software to figure out the most appropriate way to reword, or paraphrase, your text. In the example below, the information 'through her study of eighteen policies on plagiarism from different universities' was added, to give some context to the claims. Here is an example of bad paraphrasing of the source. Paraphrasing Effectively. Related Article: Summarizing and Paraphrasing Examples. Paraphrasing Example 2 "For almost a full century, the mission of U.S. educational measurement has been to elicit test-takers' scores so those scores can be compared with one another. Parliament, to paraphrase Blackstone, can make or unmake any law as it sees fit. Rewriting a sentence, or a whole passage, in your own words is paraphrasing. Let's look at an example. QuillBot's paraphrasing tool helps millions of people rewrite and enhance any sentence, paragraph, or article using state-of-the-art AI. It helps you control the temptation to quote too much. January 1, 1970 by admin. In the paraphrase, we listed the reasons in sentence 2 and provided examples in sentence 3. A paraphrase (pronounced par - uh -freyz) is a restatement or rewording of a paragraph or text, in order to borrow, clarify, or expand on information without plagiarizing. However, paraphrasing effectively . Paraphrasing means to say something in your own words while keeping the same meaning. Choose the relevant paragraph(s) you want to paraphrase and separate them by sentences. Consider first this BAD example of what NOT to do in paraphrasing from a source in APA style: Computer criminals have lots of ways to get away with credit card fraud (Cameron, 2002). Paraphrasing is rewording text so that the original meaning is there but it is in a new form. Paraphrases should sound like you, using vocabulary and sentence structures that your reader would recognize as your work. Featured Video. With 2 free modes and 4 premium modes to choose from, QuillBot's paraphraser can rephrase any text in a variety of . Grammarly is a composing tool that assists you check for numerous kinds of errors. However, before using any such tool, be certain . instead mainly synthesize and paraphrase. Paraphrasing in APA style is slightly different from MLA style as well. The process of paraphrasing: an example . Then for the returned outputs of each phrase, randomly select a single output to represent each of the phrase (i.e. Paraphrasing in IELTS is the skill of being able to read or hear one or more sentences, and then write or say a sentence back that means the same thing only by using mostly . Paraphrasing is an art of putting a passage from source material into your own words. Using Synonyms. Tips on Paraphrasing Paraphrasing can be tricky. Longman, 2009. It's a fundamental way of meaning analysis of sentences, developing, changing one's thoughts, the content of a specific text, for example, two evoked sentences: "father saw how a neighbor talked with mother" and "my father saw my mother talking with the neighbor" express the same content, but they are . 4.Check for accuracy. Our wooden ship—painted yellow and blue and built in the style of a traditional fisherman's boat—quietly cut through the sapphire waters between the small, low . In IELTS one way to paraphrase is to use synonyms. You do not have to . Good paraphrases… 1) use synonyms/different forms of words "Optimizing peak bone mass during the early years is thought to be a key factor in preventing osteoporosis later in life." One important way to prevent osteoporosis is to build bone mass while you are young (1). Paraphrasing involves putting a passage from source material into your own words. 4. Let me show you an example from a student essay. For example: The computer was making a loud noise. Does not ruin the quality of the content after paraphrasing. PARAPHRASING WITH SYNONYMS - WORKSHEET 1 Part A: Add Synonyms . Revised on 15 may 2020. 2.Use other's key words and main ideas. January 1, 1970 by admin. Sample text from Lewis & Foley (2014, p. 61): In writing papers, you will paraphrase more than you will quote. The English language is full of nuance and different shades of meaning, so the software driving this tool must weigh a wide range of factors before deciding on which will be the best way to rephrase your writing. As noted on the previous page, when you paraphrase, you have to do more than change the words from the original passage. A paraphrase of the Book of Daniel placing in parallel prophecy and interprephrases. 17). Paraphrasing is using another person's ideas but putting them into your own words and showing your interpretation of these ideas. As we sailed through the placid channels off Chile's mid-Pacific coast, all was silent. The prose is quite easy to rephrase, as all you have to do is find other words to say the same thing. Paraphrasing is a valuable skill. Some examples of paraphrasing sentences: Original - Pouring hydroxide peroxide on a cutting board made of wood will kill salmonella and other bacteria. A paraphrase may continue for several sentences. Paraphrasing is rewording text so that the original meaning is there but it is in a new form. Writers often paraphrase sentences and paragraphs to deliver information in a more concise way, as you'll see in the examples below. Paraphrasing means expressing information or ideas from other sources in your own words in a similar number of words as the source text. 1: Choose keywords that can not be changed Memory has the capacity for storing and retrieving information (Smith, 2021) 2: Find Synonyms for the other words For a report or research paper, you may need to gather background information that is important to the paper but not worthy of direct quotation. How to cite a paraphrase in MLA. A customer that feels this way has faith in you to solve their problems. Aspects of the paraphrase may be in your own words, the main ideas and concepts should reflect the client's view of the world, not yours! Paraphrasing Sentences. For example, the following is a paraphrase from an essay by Naomi S. Baron: Literacy consists of both reading and writing. Students, as well as others, will often find it necessary to paraphrase sentences in their writing, even in such works as RN research paper.Paraphrasing is using another person's ideas by writing them in your own words, without changing the meaning of the original. Sometimes you only need to paraphrase the information from one sentence. But before using such a instrument, be certain that you understand regarding . When citing in MLA, you use the following in-text citation style: Example: "The studio was filled with the rich odor of roses, and when the light summer wind stirred amidst the trees of the garden, there came through the open door the heavy scent of the lilac, or the more delicate perfume of the pink-flowering thorn." (Wilde 1). The student only changed or removed a few words and has not phrased the ideas in a new way. The mental processes required to paraphrase will also help you to fully understand the question and this is one of the reasons I tell my students to begin all of their answers in the writing test by paraphrasing the question. Summarizing involves putting the main idea(s) into your own words, including only the main point(s). This post will show you how to paraphrase effectively. This video gives two examples of how to paraphrase. Your words matter, and our paraphrasing tool is designed to ensure you use the right ones. Practice Writing Questions. You can prove to the examiner that you have a broad vocabulary and that you can use it effectively by paraphrasing the sentence using a few simple synonyms. Paraphrasing in APA Style. Paraphrasing is rewording text so that the original meaning is there but it is in a new form. Benedict Cumberbatch is a great actor. Paraphrasing involves going for a group of basic facts or opinions and rewording them. : o Webster-Stratton (2016) described a case example of a 4-year-old girl who showed Paraphrasing instrument can be really helpful if you're working on Article Writing of course, if you want to boost your essay writing abilities within this aspect. For examples of paraphrasing . It is better than quoting information from an undistinguished passage. (Example of Paraphrasing Sentences and Plagiarism) When you paraphrase, you want to entirely reword material taken from a source, without using quotation marks. The accurate web-based content spinning was never possible before the In addition to writing a good paraphrase, you must also include a citation with the paraphrase. Paraphrasing (vs. using direct quotes) is important because it shows that YOU ACTUALLY UNDERSTAND the information you are reading. -uses the same sentence structure as the original - doesn't cite the source. You can generate errorless and plagiarism-free content with RewriteGuru free of cost in a matter of seconds. Paraphrasing is an essential IELTS skill. Rewriting a sentence, or a whole passage, in your own words is paraphrasing. When paraphrasing, it is important to keep the original meaning so that the facts remain intact. In this example, one long sentence was broken into two. Examples of Paraphrasing. The writing might take the form of marking up a text or making notes about it (Baron 194). Merge multiple sentences of the source text into a one- or two-sentence paraphrase. A paraphrase may be achieved by taking two short sentences and joining them together with an adversative connector. In this type, the task boils down to a machine translation task, where given a relatively large parallel dataset of sentences, where the target sentences represent a paraphrase of the source sentence, for example, training a model to translate between van-dyke and the "book of life" versions of the bible. Part 4. need to choose appropriate vocabulary and integrate your changes across the sentence or paragraph. The English language is full of nuance and different shades of meaning, so the software driving this tool must weigh a wide range of factors before deciding on which will be the best way to rephrase your writing. It involves rephrasing a text substantially while retaining the original meaning. Avoiding Plagiarism - Paraphrasing. How To Paraphrase Using Grammarly. Paraphrase Examples: Rewording Sentences tip Around 30,000 children may be helped by the proposed "free lunch" program. We are sharing some Easy Examples of Sentence Paraphrasing in SEO workers today. The use of paraphrasing in IELTS is what allows you to show that you have a sufficient range of vocabulary to cope with the task, whether it is in speaking or writing. It starts when greasy secretions from the skin's sebaceous glands (oil glands) plug the tiny openings for hair follicles (plugged pores). Paraphrasing can be put into simple words by just saying that it is the procedure of rewording information. The Paraphrase Counts only for the Sentence it is in. Paraphrasing (reflecting content) 1.Choose a sentence stem. The effect was a big increase in test scores. Quotation, used sparingly, can lend credibility to your work or capture a memorable passage." (L. Behrens, A Sequence for Academic Writing. Paraphrasing assures customers that they are being listened to and understood. Paraphrasing is an important tool to use when writing research papers, essays, and pieces of journalism. Sample passage, excerpted from A Time to Choose , p. 21, by Jeff Verbosity Even if you have a citation, such borrowing would be considered plagiarism. Paraphrasing step by step examples (using synonyms) Original sentence: 'Memory is the capacity for storing and retrieving information' (Smith, 2021). Note: In this incorrect example the writing is too similar to the original source. 3.Briefly state essence of other's talk. Paraphrase Examples: Rewording Sentences tip Paraphrase: takes 1-3 sentences of a piece of writing which is important for your reader to understand (usually it is writing which is difficult or has technical language) and puts it into your own words. When you paraphrase, you'll include information from sources in your own words, so your professors will still know you're using sources, but you won't have to quote everything. The following is an example of UNACCEPTABLE paraphrasing -- or plagiarism -- of the above passage: To paraphrase without plagiarizing, writers must - - Use their own words to convey the information - Use their own sentence structure - Cite the source and page number. People don't like talking when they feel like they're being ignored or misunderstood. Here are some examples of paraphrasing individual sentences: Original: Her life spanned years of incredible change for women as they gained more rights than ever before. Using different words with a similar meaning shows the examiner a range of vocabulary which you need to get over band score 6. 1. Paraphrase citation example #1: Original: There's a reason it's called "common acne" — nearly everyone suffers from a pimple outbreak at some point in life. Here is an example of how a sentence can be re-written by using synonyms: It is not just changing a few words in a sentence from the original text, and it must still have a citation with the author's surname or organisation's name plus the year it was published. However, paraphrasing is more than just replacing some words with synonyms or rearranging the sentence structure. Students see examples of effective paraphrasing, including a change of sentence structure or personal elaboration combined with limited quoted information. Sometimes, students will struggle with paraphrasing because they have an urge to simply use the same basic sentence or sentences and replace the original . In other words, a paraphrase is a more . Example of a paraphrased sentence: "The rabbit stayed still in the light of the moon while the fox surveyed the land using its spectacular hearing and night vision." Example of summarization: "Foxes hunt rabbits at night using their ears and eyes." Summarizing focuses on the facts of the statement rather than the details. Here your reader might think that the first sentence is your idea and that Baron's idea begins in the second sentence. The paraphrase counts only for the sentence it is in. you will use the source's words as long as you are doing not use quite two during a row from any passage. One effective way to do this is by following the MLA . ABOUT PARAPHRASING. A paraphrase / ˈ p ær ə f r eɪ z / is a restatement of the meaning of a text or passage using other words. Paraphrasing is NOT simply replacing words with synonyms or rearranging the structure of sentences. You need to make sure that you don't copy the original author's style or wording. Paraphrasing (or re-writing) can be done in a number of ways, but the easiest is to replace words with their synonyms. each input phrase will correspondingly have 1 paraphrased text). II. Paraphrasing is rephrasing information from a source with a completely new . Differentiation is a way to encourage equality between the . The paraphrased text takes a somewhat broader segment of the source and condensing the text slightly. Paraphrase, although written in your own words, is used to relate the details or the progression of an idea in your source. Paraphrasing Structure. E.g. A paraphrase (or paraphrasing) is a restatement of another piece of writing with new words or phrases while keeping the same meaning, usually to modify the language or simply avoid plagiarism.For example, Shakespeare's famous line, "To be or not to be," could be paraphrased as, "Is it better to exist or not exist at all?" Because the fan was broken, the computer was making a loud noise. Example paraphrase of the essay's conclusion: Roger Sipher concludes his essay by insisting that schools have failed to fulfill their primary duty of education because they try to fill multiple social functions (par. Original - Symptoms of the flu include fever and nasal congestion. Example: Paraphrasing is one of the most important skills to learn before doing your IELTS test. Even though the student is citing correctly, underlined words are simply synonyms of words used in the original source. Paraphrasing is one of the most important skills to learn before doing your IELTS test. It's best because it: Removes duplicate content, rewrite sentences, and generate readable articles. Paraphrase Sentence Example. His last move was not . Add a detail about where the information came from, if necessary. In the introduction of your essay the first thing you must do is paraphrase the topic question by changing the structure of the sentences or changing the formation of the words. paraphrasing practice lessons. It likewise offers real-time tips and guidelines on how to fix these mistakes, for example errant commas. Paraphrasing is a valuable skill because. Paraphrase Definition, Meaning and Usage So what does PARAPHRASE (or rephrase) exactly mean? Tone Analyzer : This tool allows students to enter a brief sample from a text and receive an analysis of the tone. Authors Name in the Sentence & with a Direct Quote - If you refer to the author's name in a sentence you do not have to include the name in the in-text citation, instead include the page number (if there is one) at the end of the quotation or paraphrased section. The first is an example of incorrect paraphrasing, and the second illustrates effective paraphrasing . Following the MLA Grammarly is a composing tool that assists you check for numerous kinds of errors better at articles... Is slightly different from MLA style as well that assists you check for numerous of... Avoid similar word phrases and sentence structures that your reader would recognize as your work put into simple words just... See how the sentence it is in a new form have to do more than change words. Tool that assists you check for numerous kinds of errors channels off Chile & # x27 ; t like when... 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