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// FOCUS DROPDOWN BUTTON To begin a new application, choose a job from the available listings below. '
' + }, var template = this; vidHeight = screenHeight - 140; It shall be the policy of Spartanburg District One Schools to maintain employment practices that are free of discrimination on the basis of race, sex (including . Unfortunately, this position is no longer available. return true; else { case "480": "class": "youtube", } var dynStyles = '#hp-slideshow .rs-gallery-desc-outer:before {' + var thisDropdown = this; break; }, _this.animationDelay); }); this.animationDelay = 500; "onImageLoad" : function() { },
siteNameEnd = $.trim(siteName.splice(-1, siteName.length).toString().replace(/,/g, " ")); Palmetto Unified School District is staffed with educators who are certified by the South Carolina State Department of Education. . $("#gb-logo").removeClass("hidden").attr("aria-hidden", "false"); if(false) { if(!$(thisDropdown).find(":focus").length) { Employment type. "fullScreenRotator" : "no", "fullScreenVideo" : "yes", $("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, "slow", function() { } else { Upload your resume. "class": "twitter", var iconNum = ("6" == "6;5;4;3;2;1;0") ? "target": "_self" // FOCUS PREVIOUS ITEM
Language Teacher, Special Education Teacher. You will enter the person's name and their contact information.
// PROPERTIES "apiKey": "", // ONLY FOR API VERSION Student-Centered Education. $(".rs-gallery-control.play-pause", this).insertBefore($(".rs-gallery-desc", this)); Spartanburg County School District 5 - TalentEd Hire Welcome To begin a new application, choose a job from the available listings below. ["Arabic", "", "ar"], Career Opportunities Employment Forms $(".ui-articles > li[data-visibility='visible']", _this.app).last().addClass("last"); $("header").removeClass("sticky").removeAttr("style"); if($.trim($("#gb-search-input").val()) != "" && $.trim($("#gb-search-input").val()) != "I'm Searching for") { $(this).attr("aria-expanded", "true").parent().addClass("open").find(dropdown).attr("aria-hidden", "false").slideDown(300, "swing", function(){ "Search": function() { Find salaries. $(".ui-articles > li", _this.app).attr({"aria-hidden": "true", "data-visibility": "hidden"}); ["Arabic", "", "ar"], { $("#gb-social-icons-outer").removeClass("sticky") Assistant Principal 2023-2024 (CES) 02/01/2023. break; });
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switch(e.keyCode) { // FOCUS NEXT ITEM Teacher- Middle Level Business/AVID. background: #D36929; /*lighter orange*/
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} Unfortunately, this position is no longer available. Title I Schools: Allendale, Broad .
} Location: Spartanburg School District 1 - 7092B Howard Street, Spartanburg, SC 29303 Note: online applications accepted only.
"showSchools" : "yes", "); Welcome To begin a new application, choose a job from the available listings below. You may edit it after you have completed it and submitted it.
$(".upcomingevents .ui-article").each(function(){ Apply to Senior Purchasing Agent, Orthopedist, Group Manager and more! $(".hp-slider-btn", this.app).removeClass("hidden"); } else { }, $(this).attr("tabindex", "-1"); Would you like to continue working on this application? $.each(photoGallery.Album.Images, function(index, photo) { }); $(".ui-articles > li:first-child .ui-article", this).children().not($(".ui-article-thumb")).wrapAll(''); $(this).closest(dropdownList).find("li:first-child > a").attr("tabindex", "0").focus(); } // FOR SCOPE $(".ui-widget.app", _this.app).removeClass("animating"); background: #264867; /*dark blue*/
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"imageHeight" : 475, e.preventDefault(); TalentEd Hire
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