You must be signed in to discuss. For a dodecagon, n=12. When two lines connect one point of the surface of a circle with two other points on that circle, the angle is called an inscribed angle. Illustration showing a circle inscribed in a regular pentagon. Answer. {/eq}. Three of the interior angles are $95^°$, $130^°$ and $138^°$. angle, angles, circle, circles, circumscribed, five 5 sides, inscribed, length, line segment, pentagon, pentagons, radius. Concept Notes & Videos 270. Our experts can answer your tough homework and study questions. 6 Answers. {/eq}. Inscribed Shapes. 4. Discussion. \\[0.3cm] x &= \frac{360^{\circ}}{5} Preview; Assign Practice; Preview. \end{align*} This means that all the corners, or vertices, of a regular polygon will lie on a circle. Square given one side; Square inscribed in a circle; Hexagon given one side; Hexagon inscribed in a given circle; Pentagon inscribed in a given circle; Non-Euclidean constructions. An irregular polygon ABCDE is inscribed in a circle of radius 10. Furthermore, the regular pentagon is … They both intercept this arc right over here. A. To this point, the regular pentagon is rotationally symmetric at a rotation of 72° or multiples of this. In this case, this inscribed angle (