vscode set default formatter for language

2023-04-11 08:34 阅读 1 次

// - never: Never explicitly ask for confirmation. // - notRemote: Enable only when not in a remote workspace. When this is disabled a dropdown will display instead. "terminal.integrated.mouseWheelScrollSensitivity". // When a Markdown editor is scrolled, update the view of the preview. // Remember the last git command that ran after a commit. Can make the font appear lighter overall. // - start: Check for updates only on startup. Only works before elements, not inside tags or for text. "editor.gotoLocation.alternativeReferenceCommand". // Plays a sound when a task is completed. Language-specific editor settings always override non-language-specific editor settings, even if the non-language-specific setting This happens either on click or when triggering the `workbench.views.search.focus` command. // When enabled IntelliSense shows `module`-suggestions. This is a slow algorithm, that might cause freezes for large files, but it works correctly in all cases. // Enable/disable snippet completions for class members. // When enabled, will trim all new lines after the final new line at the end of the file when saving it. // Whether to show hovers for links in the terminal output. Otherwise, fetch just the current one. // When debugging a remote web app, configures whether to automatically tunnel the remote server to your local machine. Variables are substituted based on the context: // - `${cwdFolder}`: the terminal's current working directory, displayed for multi-root workspaces or in a single root workspace when the value differs from the initial working directory. // - preserve: Preserve wrapping of attributes. // Controls the limit of git submodules detected. // - yarn: Use yarn as the package manager for running scripts. Automatic type acquisition fetches `@types` packages from npm to improve IntelliSense for external libraries. See commit afc8ab1 Share Follow answered Sep 19, 2021 at 1:32 VonC 1.2m 508 4265 5091 Add a comment Your Answer Post Your Answer // Controls the number of recently used commands to keep in the terminal command history. // Inserting and deleting whitespace follows tab stops. // - always: Show the diff decorator in the gutter at all times. // - preserve: Always reopen all windows. // The number of spaces a tab is equal to. // - false: Disables bracket pair guides. // Controls whether inline breakpoints candidate decorations should be shown in the editor while debugging. Not all processes that use ports will print to the integrated terminal or debug console, so some ports will be missed. // Defines space handling after opening and before closing JSX expression braces. // Controls whether the semanticHighlighting is shown for the languages that support it. from the command line). Disable automatic background update checks. // - on: Lines will wrap at the viewport width. // Controls if deletions in base or one of the inputs should be indicated by a vertical bar. // Controls how to limit the number of changes that can be parsed from Git status command. It looks like you might be able to put some of it in your .editorconfig. // When enabled notebook breadcrumbs contain code cells. // Defines space handling after a semicolon in a for statement. // When enabled breadcrumbs show `class`-symbols. // - deepIndent: Wrapped lines get +2 indentation toward the parent. // Defines space handling after opening and before closing non-empty parenthesis. // - simple: Assumes that all characters are of the same width. Some settings allow you to specify an executable that VS Code will run to perform certain operations. js-beautify in VS Code, AND honouring any .jsbeautifyrc file in the // Timeout in milliseconds after which file participants for create, rename, and delete are cancelled. // Controls whether terminal tabs display as a list to the side of the terminal. // Controls whether the Find Widget should read or modify the shared find clipboard on macOS. Unset it to inherit the value of `config.inputValidationLength`. // Defines space handling after opening and before closing non-empty braces. On Windows, this behaves the same as initial. Also, only using it for python mostly and eclipse for java (which is another love/hate relationship in itself) i have found that pycharm being language specific is very convenient. By default, a prompt is shown before changes are committed to a protected branch. // - 21: White on black or black on white. // Configures when the error Peek view is automatically opened. The secondary side bar will show on the opposite side of the workbench. Edit the text or select the option you want to change to the desired settings. // Controls the visibility of the horizontal scrollbar. If enabled, an already opened editor will be revealed instead of opened again in the currently active editor group. The support suggests PHP globals and variables. // Adjust the appearance of dialog windows. "editor.gotoLocation.multipleDefinitions". Increasing this will restore more lines of scrollback at the cost of more memory and increase the time it takes to connect to terminals on start up. // A multiplier to be used on the `deltaX` and `deltaY` of mouse wheel scroll events. // Controls which date to use for items in the Timeline view. // A theme color ID to associate with terminal icons by default. When used with `security.workspace.trust.untrustedFiles`, you can enable the full functionality of VS Code without prompting in an empty window. You can use Format Document command to format a Java file. // Controls whether to show a confirmation dialog before closing the window or quitting the application. Language-specific remote settings - Same as Remote settings, but specific to a language. When enabled, the file contents of an editor that is saved will be stored to a backup location to be able to restore or review the contents later. For example, you can choose which shell the Integrated Terminal should use. When set to `0`, 120% of `editor.fontSize` is used. When disabled, empty groups will remain part of the grid. // Prevent the computer from sleeping when remote tunnel access is turned on. Be careful since there will be no way to recover your previous setting values. // Controls the font size in pixels for CodeLens. // Adjust the appearance of the window title bar. // - allEditorsInActiveGroup: Save all editors in the active group before starting a debug session. // Defines allowed characters that are not being highlighted. // Controls whether completions should be computed based on words in the document. "debug.javascript.breakOnConditionalError". You can edit via the Settings editor Workspace tab or open that tab directly with the Preferences: Open Workspace Settings command. // Enables a pop-up that shows parameter documentation and type information as you type. // Controls the line height used in the Markdown preview. // Configure settings to be overridden for the shellscript language. // Configure settings to be overridden for the css language. The following example shows how you can customize settings for javascript and typescript languages together in your settings.json file: Configurations can be overridden at multiple levels by the different setting scopes. Clicking a category will filter the results to that category. There should now be just three settings. The Settings editor is the UI that lets you review and modify setting values that are stored in a settings.json file. For example, workbench.colorCustomizations takes an Object that specifies a group of UI elements and their desired colors. // Controls where links in Markdown files should be opened. // Remove unusual line terminators that might cause problems. // Controls whether Git should check for unsaved files before stashing changes. // - countDescending: Results are sorted by count per file, in descending order. // - true: Download and install updates automatically for all extensions except for those updates are ignored. // Controls whether opened editors show as preview editors. Not all User settings are available as Workspace settings. // IE hacks are only necessary when supporting IE7 and older. // Controls whether the tree should render indent guides. // Controls whether terminal tab statuses support animation (eg. // Controls the default value for attributes when completion is accepted. // Disables automatic type acquisition. // Defines handling of optional semicolons. There is a Commonly Used group at the top, which shows popular customizations. // Enable to download and install new VS Code versions in the background on Windows. // - always: Always turn on Find in Selection automatically. // Controls whether breakpoints should be shown in the overview ruler. // - always: Always saves all editors before running. "javascript.format.insertSpaceAfterKeywordsInControlFlowStatements". "javascript.format.insertSpaceAfterSemicolonInForStatements". The workspace settings file is located under the .vscode folder in your root folder. // Controls whether the terminal receives tabs or defers them to the workbench for navigation. Defaults to `editor.fontFamily`'s value. // Additional paths to discover TypeScript Language Service plugins. // Enables the simple file dialog. // - always: Always show the active terminal, // - singleTerminal: Show the active terminal when it is the only terminal opened, // - singleTerminalOrNarrow: Show the active terminal when it is the only terminal opened or when the tabs view is in its narrow textless state, // - never: Never show the active terminal, "terminal.integrated.tabs.showActiveTerminal". // Update the search query to the editor's selected text when focusing the search view. "workbench.preferredHighContrastColorTheme". "interactiveWindow.collapseCellInputCode". Can archive.org's Wayback Machine ignore some query terms? About an argument in Famine, Affluence and Morality. // Controls how symbols are sorted in the breadcrumbs outline view. // Controls whether the search results will be collapsed or expanded. Use 0 for no timeout. // - smart: Only accept a suggestion with `Enter` when it makes a textual change. // - remove: Remove unnecessary semicolons. // When enabled breadcrumbs show `key`-symbols. // - never: Never show the folding controls and reduce the gutter size. Depending on your platform, the user settings file is located here: While you can reset settings individually via the Settings editor Reset Setting command, you can reset all changed settings by opening settings.json and deleting the entries between the braces {}. // - bounded: Lines will wrap at the minimum of viewport and `editor.wordWrapColumn`. // Controls the commit message subject length threshold for showing a warning. // Configures whether sourcemapped file where the original file can't be read will automatically be unmapped. // - onExitAndWindowClose: Revive the processes after the last window is closed on Windows/Linux or when the `workbench.action.quit` command is triggered (command palette, keybinding, menu), or when the window is closed. // - default: `cursorSurroundingLines` is enforced only when triggered via the keyboard or API. // - betweenCells: A toolbar that appears on hover between cells. // Enable/disable introducing aliases for object shorthand properties during renames. // Controls whether entries in .gitignore should be parsed and excluded from the Explorer. // - auto: Enable audio cue when a screen reader is attached. // Controls whether test decorations are shown in the editor gutter. // Controls the lexicographic sorting of file and folder names in the Explorer. // Mark the current editor selection in the Markdown preview. // - true: Scan for both subfolders of the current opened folder and parent folders of open files. // - allOpenProjects: Search all open JavaScript or TypeScript projects for symbols. Then it becomes visible to show the execution status. Code to use the tools that it comes with "out-of-the-box" to format your document, therefore, prettier is not working either way, only the default VS Code formatter is working. Did any DOS compatibility layers exist for any UNIX-like systems before DOS started to become outmoded? More recently opened entries appear first. // When enabled breadcrumbs show `boolean`-symbols. Then, the Settings editor opens with a language filter for the selected language, which allows you to modify language-specific settings for that language. `explorer.fileNesting.enabled` must be set for this to take effect. Notice that when you have changed the setting value to be different than the default value, you see a blue line to the left. // - always: Check for any unsaved files. How do you determine which formatter is being used for VS Code? // Controls whether the editor should highlight matches similar to the selection. "typescript.disableAutomaticTypeAcquisition". // Enables the inlay hints in the editor. // - compact: A pinned tab will show in a compact form with only icon or first letter of the editor name. // When enabled, Outline shows `number`-symbols. // Controls the visibility of the status bar at the bottom of the suggest widget. // Controls the memory available to VS Code after restart when trying to open large files. // Controls whether the built-in HTML language support suggests HTML5 tags, properties and values. "workbench.settings.openDefaultKeybindings". // - filesFirst: Files and folders are sorted by their names. "editor.gotoLocation.alternativeTypeDefinitionCommand". // - inherit: Open new windows with same dimension as last active one. // Controls the amount of space between the bottom edge of the editor and the last line. Note: If you enter more than one language filter in the search widget, the current behavior is that only the first language filter will be used. // - always: Always open in current window. // List of dictionaries used for the randomly generated branch name. // - auto: Unusual line terminators are automatically removed. The syntax server is used to speed up syntax operations and provide IntelliSense while projects are loading. // - on: Optimize for usage with a Screen Reader. If you didn't specify a formatter profile before, the Java file will be formatted using default settings. Folders are displayed before files. The 'Open to Side' mouse gestures - if supported - will adapt such that they do not conflict with the multiselect modifier. // Whether to use the enhanced text diff editor for notebook. // - shrink: A pinned tab shrinks to a compact fixed size showing parts of the editor name. // Global debug launch configuration. Note: Terminals need to be restarted to pick up a change in this setting. // Controls the letter spacing of the terminal. // Controls when the internal Debug Console should open. // When enabled, Outline shows `property`-symbols. // Configure settings to be overridden for the plaintext language. // - languageDefined: Use language configurations to determine when to autoclose quotes. Requires enabling `markdown.validate.enabled`. // - compact: Menu is displayed as a compact button in the side bar. // Controls whether the smooth caret animation should be enabled. // - unicode: Names are sorted in Unicode order. // Enable/disable auto-import-style completions on partially-typed import statements. // Controls the number of recently used commands to keep in history for the command palette. // Set properties that are applied when a specific port number is forwarded. // - disabled: Auto attach is disabled and not shown in status bar. // When enabled IntelliSense shows `property`-suggestions. // Controls the terminal description, which appears to the right of the title. // Show references to MDN in SCSS hovers. // - on: Always render with reduced motion. // Controls the font family in the Debug Console. // Controls whether words are overwritten when accepting completions. // Automatically scroll the interactive window to show the output of the last statement executed. // Enable/disable strict function types in JavaScript and TypeScript files that are not part of a project. Similar to User Settings, Workspace Settings are also stored in a settings.json file, which you can edit directly via the Preferences: Open Workspace Settings (JSON) command. This setting is only applied to entries that have the same source of origin. // Configure settings to be overridden for the search-result language. Below, the Source Control settings are focused by selecting Source Control in the tree view. // Controls the visibility of the Source Control diff decorator in the gutter. // Controls whether to confirm when the window closes if there are active terminal sessions. // - true: Ignore leading and trailing whitespace. // Controls whether editors opened from Quick Open show as preview editors. // - `${separator}`: a conditional separator (` - `) that only shows when surrounded by variables with values or static text. // - focus: Focus side bar if the clicked item is already visible. Prevents horizontal drift when scrolling vertically on a trackpad. "editor.gotoLocation.alternativeDeclarationCommand". // Controls whether a full text editor will be used to author commit messages, whenever no message is provided in the commit input box. This is now supported (as of 2019). // Controls the font for the input message. // - filter: Filter elements when searching. // Controls whether or not WSL distros are shown in the terminal dropdown. (to beautify a selection) or F1 Beautify file. The type of quotes can be configured by `html.completion.attributeDefaultValue`. // An array of paths, where each path can contain Emmet syntaxProfiles and/or snippet files. Note: A VS Code "workspace" is usually just your project root folder. // When enabled IntelliSense shows `function`-suggestions. // When enabled IntelliSense shows `deprecated`-suggestions. // Enable/disable suggestion diagnostics for TypeScript files in the editor. // Controls the number of recent items tracked in task quick open dialog. // - list: Shows search results as a list. // Controls the default direction of editors that are opened side by side (for example, from the Explorer). // Controls the location of the terminal tabs, either to the left or right of the actual terminal(s). // Controls font size of inlay hints in the editor. // - selection: Render whitespace characters only on selected text. // - off: Unusual line terminators are ignored. // Maximum number of line breaks to be preserved in one chunk. "debug.javascript.automaticallyTunnelRemoteServer". // - true: Highlights the active indent guide. // Controls whether clicks scroll by page or jump to click position. // Controls the visibility of the status bar at the bottom of the workbench. // - fuzzy: Use fuzzy matching when searching. // Controls from which documents word based completions are computed. // - tree: Shows search results as a tree. // Controls the position of the editor's tabs close buttons, or disables them when set to 'off'. // Try to update links in Markdown files when a file is renamed/moved in the workspace. This may be particularly useful in workspace settings if the root directory is not a convenient cwd. // Controls whether the panel opens maximized. // A common case to disable certificate verification can be done by passing `{ "https": { "rejectUnauthorized": false } }`. // Enable/disable showing group headers in the Code Action menu. // - antialiased: Smooth the font on the level of the pixel, as opposed to the subpixel. // Controls when the restricted mode banner is shown. // Controls if file extensions (for example `.md`) are added or not for links to Markdown files. // Override the kind of an extension. // Controls whether or not Workspace Trust is enabled within VS Code. // - onlyWithFlag: Only auto attach when the `--inspect` is given. // Controls whether the terminal will leverage the GPU to do its rendering. "security.workspace.trust.untrustedFiles". // - true: Semantic highlighting enabled for all color themes. Only `files.encoding` is respected. // Enable/disable showing completions on potentially undefined values that insert an optional chain call. // Controls the sizing of editor tabs. Files are displayed before folders. // Show tag and attribute documentation in LESS hovers. // If enabled, clicking on an inactive window will both activate the window and trigger the element under the mouse if it is clickable. // Override the virtual workspaces support of an extension. "editor.scrollbar.horizontalScrollbarSize". // Enable highlighting link occurrences in the current document.

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